Linux Performance Monitoring and Tuning
To investigate a Linux performance issue and do linux system tuning. The learning objective is to answer –
- What methodology I may follow to identify the performance issue?
- What are Linux tools and performance metrics available to monitor the performance issue?
- What Linux / Apache system parameters are available for the performance tuning?
It will be a hands-on tutorials lab with
- Uses of Linux performance monitoring tools i.e. top, uptime, iostat, vmstat, nmon, mpstat, netstat, iptraf, pidstat
- Performance monitoring data/results with case study
- Linux/Apache system parameters available for performance tuning
5-min presentation for your own troubleshooting case sharing will be required at the end of course.
- Basic understanding and uses of Linux
(Image Source:

Course Name |
Windows Troubleshooting by system internals |
Speaker |
Tony Hsu |
Duration |
6 hours (3 hours per sessions) |
Location |
Language |
Chinese |
Agenda |
Session 1 |
- Setup the environment and tools
- Familiar with Linux tools, , uptime, iostat, vmstat, nmon, mpstat, netstat, iptraf, pidstat
Session 2 |
- Reading the performance data
- 5 Case study
- Linux System parameter tuning
- Web Apache system parameter tuning
Session 3 |
- Your own troubleshooting case study
- 5 min presentation by turns