






為什麼要用 Selenium?





  1. What do you know about Selenium? How long you are working with Selenium and what version?
  2. What are the technical challenges that you faced with selenium?
  3. What are the test types supported by Selenium?
  4. Does Selenium support mobile internet testing?
  5. Does Selenium support Google Android Operating System? What mobile devices it may support?
  6. What is Selenese?
  7. How do you connect Database from selenium?
  8. What test can Selenium do?
  9. What are the disadvantages of using Selenium as testing tool?
  10. How do you handle the secured connection error in HTTPS?
  11. List the browsers, OS supported by the Selenium
  12. Does selenium support flex? How does it understand those objects?
  13. When you have selenium issues, what approach you take to resolve it?
  14. What languages are supported for the selenium development?
  15. Name at least 5 different exceptions in Selenium automation and how do you resolve it?
  16. How will you execute your login script using chrome browser from your editor using selenium?
  17. How do you create html test report from your test script?
  18. How do you manage the code versions in your project?
  19. What are the other tools that you have used to successfully implement selenium in your project and for what as well?
  20. Have you worked in Maven, Junit, TestNG?
  21. ow will you find a specific text available in a page?
  22. How does webdriver identifies UI Elements?
  23. What are the capabilities of Selenium WebDriver ?
  24. hat kind of Frame work using in your organization..?
  25. Explain about your framework architecture..?
  26. Where did you stored all kind of xpaths in your framework..?
  27. What is the HUB & Node..?
  28. ow do you run your test using a framework..?
  29. Write the xpath..?
  30. How to handle alerts using web driver..?
  31. How to identify two fields(Radio button) in a page with same id..?
  32. Junit – how do you used in projects..?
  33. I got an unexpected pop up error in my screen, how will you handle in your script?
  34. Have you worked in Ajax? What kind of challenges you have faced during web Ajax and how did you overcome?
  35. How to click an element which resides in a frame? Sample code pls
  36. Desired capabilities and Actual capabilities – What are the differences and how do you use them?
  37. I have to find the color of a specific text. How can I do that?
  38. I need to find each href of all links in a page. How do you do that?
  39. Difference between webdriver and remotewebdriver?
  40. What tools – do you use to identify the Xpath?
  41. How Selenium Grid works?
  42. What is new about Selenium 2 vs Selenium 1?


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