APT Malware Network Analysis By Wireshark

APT Malware Network Analysis By Wireshark

 這堂課主要是用真實病毒的網路封包案例,用 WireShark 分析與了解病毒的行為,從哪裡來、做什麼、去哪裡。
The learning objective is analyze APT malware captured network traffic by wirehsark with 5 hands-on case study. You will learn how to use WireShark to analyze these APT malware network traffic cases by answering:
  • What network proposal the attack/malware is based on?
  • Identify the network environment. i.e. IP, server, infected hosts of DNS, client, server and gateway from the network packets.
  • List the visited webpages that include suspicious scripts
  • Web visits infection chain
  • What operation system does the attack target at?
  • How to extract IP, domain name information and suspicious payload from the network packets?
  • Identify the root/cause suspicious web redirection behaviors


Course APT Malware Network Analysis By Wireshark
Duration 12 hours in total
Target Audience Attendee whom may be interested or involved with

– Handling advanced threats including target attacks and cyber threats.
– Analyze malware behavior and perform the root cause analysis
– Open source tools for malware activities analysis
Prerequisite -Basic uses of WireShark

-Basic understanding of networking protocol, TCP/UDP/HTTP/DNS
Evaluation -Attendance rate 30%

-Homework / Lab 70%
Session 1 l   Case Study: Company A network is under network attack. Can you help to investigate?

a.      What’s the IP address of the Attacker’s host?
b.      What type of port scanning the attacker is using?
c.       What were IP address that attacker discovered?
d.      What IDS rules you may recommend to prevent it?
Session 2 l   Case Study: User A click the link in email, and website loading was getting slow. You have the network capture file, can you help?

a.      What’s the URL of the click?
b.      What’s the payload of the downloader?
c.       What’s target the malware trying connect with?
Session 3 l   Case study: The Browser is infected, can you help to answer

a.      What steps are the malware taken to slow your anlaysis?
b.      What protocol is the malware based on?
c.       What actions does the malware perform?
Session 4 l   Case study: Malware downloader and post infection traffic analysis

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